I am new to QuantLib, and I am using it to price CDS. Following is my python code:
from QuantLib import *
calendar = TARGET()
# Set evaluation date
todaysDate = Date(4, 2, 2019)
todaysDate = calendar.adjust(todaysDate) # business day adjustment
Settings.instance().evaluationDate = todaysDate
# build zero curve
spotRates = [0.02514, 0.026285, 0.027326299999999998,
0.0279, 0.029616299999999998, 0.026526,
0.026028, 0.0258695, 0.025958000000000002,
0.0261375, 0.026355, 0.0266255,
0.026898, 0.0271745, 0.02741,
0.027666, 0.028107000000000004, 0.028412000000000003,
0.028447, 0.0284165]
spotPeriod = [Period(1, Months), Period(2, Months),
Period(3, Months), Period(6, Months),
Period(1, Years), Period(2, Years),
Period(3, Years), Period(4, Years),
Period(5, Years), Period(6, Years),
Period(7, Years), Period(8, Years),
Period(9, Years), Period(10, Years),
Period(11, Years), Period(12, Years),
Period(15, Years), Period(20, Years),
Period(25, Years), Period(30, Years)]
spotDates = [todaysDate + x for x in spotPeriod]
risk_free_rate = YieldTermStructureHandle(
ZeroCurve(spotDates, spotRates, Actual360())
# CDS parameters
recovery_rate = 0.4
hazard_rate = 0.02
maturity = Date(20, 12, 2023)
hazard_curve = FlatHazardRate(todaysDate, QuoteHandle(SimpleQuote(hazard_rate)), Actual360())
# reprice instruments
nominal = 1000000.0
probability = DefaultProbabilityTermStructureHandle(hazard_curve)
schedule = Schedule(todaysDate, maturity, Period(Quarterly),
calendar, Following, Following,
DateGeneration.TwentiethIMM, False)
cds = CreditDefaultSwap(Protection.Seller, nominal, quoted_spread,
schedule, Following, Actual360())
engine = MidPointCdsEngine(probability, recovery_rate, risk_free_rate)
print(" NPV: %g" % cds.NPV())
I got following error from the last line of code:
RuntimeError: negative time (-0.0166667) given
I guess I need to do some date adjustments when I construct the yield curve. Because if I try to use FlatForward yield curve, there is no error.
But I am confused about the ideas of evaluation date and settlements date, as well as the spot dates when constructing yield curve. I am wondering why do I get this negative error here? The settlements days should be 3 days.
Thank you!