I've read the OpenGamma paper https://quant.opengamma.io/CDS-Options-OpenGamma.pdf on CDS Options, and noticed a small discrepancy. So I wanted to double-check my understanding.
In Section 6.4 the option payoff is defined as
with the default-adjusted forward portfolio swap price given by
And the exercise price given by
The portfolio swap price $V$ includes the index factor $f(T_e)$ as of option expiry $T_e$, as one would expect. Now, what I am wondering, is the exercise price $G$ not missing the index factor $f(T_{Inception})$ as of trade inception $T_{Inception}$? That is, formula (70)
should be:
For example, say, we buy a swaption on Version 2 (index factor 0.99 at trade time), and by expiry 2 more names have defaulted (so we are on Version 4 with factor 0.97). Then the exercise price we pay (at expiry) should use the factor as of when we "entered into" the forward CDS (so 0.99 as of trade inception), and not the current index factor. Whereas the live portfolio swap obviously uses the latest factor 0.97.
Does this make sense?