I have bootstrapped a curve using several depo and swap rates and am trying to use that curve to get the NPV of a swap over a period of time. The generation of prices iteratively through time is incredibly slow. Given that i'm only pricing over a 4 month period I wouldn't expect it to take 30 minutes. Am I doing something silly here? I saw a previous post commenting on a bug in the SWIG wrapper from python to c++, but according to one of the project maintainers it was patched years ago. See the below:
test_curve.referenceDate() == Date(4,1,2023)
Engine creation
ts = ql.RelinkableYieldTermStructureHandle()
engine = ql.DiscountingSwapEngine(yts)
Swap Definition and Creation
swapTenor = ql.Period('1Y')
overnightIndex = ql.Sofr(yts)
fixedRate = 0.01
ois_swap = ql.MakeOIS(swapTenor, overnightIndex, fixedRate, pricingEngine=engine, discountingTermStructure=yts)
NPV Generation
new_prices = []
instance = ql.Settings.instance()
start_date = ql.Date(1,1,2024)
success_counter = 0
while date < start_date:
# Update eval date in sim
instance.evaluationDate = date
price = ois_swap.NPV()
# Increment date forward
date += ql.Period('1D')
new_curve = test_model.get_curve_by_date(date.to_date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
count = 0
# Check for new_curve to exist
while new_curve is None:
date += ql.Period('1D')
new_curve = test_model.get_curve_by_date(date.to_date().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
count += 1
if count == 100:
engine = ql.DiscountingSwapEngine(yts)
overnightIndex = ql.Sofr(yts)
ois_swap = ql.MakeOIS(swapTenor, overnightIndex, fixedRate, pricingEngine=engine, discountingTermStructure=yts, effectiveDate=ql.Date(2,1,2024))
The maturity date on the swap is set to May 2024. Thanks!