I think an appropriate way to tackle this is to label it and perform Bayesian analysis.
Consider the labels H, F, T for Head-Coin, Fair-Coin and Tail-Coin for what a coin is loaded towards.
The task is to identify the label, T, as quickly as possible to extract maximum reward, whilst possibly choosing to pay for some statistically random information. This makes the game dynamic since new information may lead to optimal strategies dependent upon that stage.
Let $P(I_1, ..., I_n, A^H, B^F, C^T)$ be the probability that coins, A, B, C are labelled as H, F, and T respectively with the outcomes of n pieces of information, each possibly obtained for some (different) cost.
At any stage a guess can be made which coin is labelled as T, obviously maximising the probability.
As an example suppose 15\$ is paid to obtain a single coin flip on A and that the result is Tails ($I_1=\{A \; flip = Tails\}$):
P(I_1, A^T, B^F, C^H) = \frac{1}{6} * 0.75 = 0.125 \propto 0.250 \\
P(I_1, A^T, B^H, C^F) = \frac{1}{6} * 0.75 = 0.125 \propto 0.250 \\
P(I_1, A^F, B^T, C^H) = \frac{1}{6} * 0.50 = 0.083 \propto 0.166 \\
P(I_1, A^F, B^H, C^T) = \frac{1}{6} * 0.50 = 0.083 \propto 0.166 \\
P(I_1, A^H, B^T, C^F) = \frac{1}{6} * 0.25 = 0.042 \propto 0.083 \\
P(I_1, A^H, B^F, C^T) = \frac{1}{6} * 0.25 = 0.042 \propto 0.083 \\
What we are really seeking is the state probability given the information, so:
$$P(I_1, A^X, B^Y, C^Z) = P(A^X, B^Y, C^Z|I_1) P(I_1)$$
$P(I_1)$ is 0.5, because in the absense of any other information the chance of flipping any coin at heads or tails is 50%. Consider just the top two lines here:
P(I_1, A^T, B^F, C^H) = 0.125 = P(A^T, B^F, C^H | I_1) P(I_1) \\
P(I_1, A^T, B^H, C^F) = 0.125 = P(A^T, B^H, C^F | I_1) P(I_1) \\
\implies P(A^T, B^H, C^F | I_1) = 0.25 \\
\implies P(A^T, B^F, C^H | I_1) = 0.25 \\
\implies P(A^T|I_1) = 0.5
At this stage the payoff is as described by @dm63 answer.
Also we can now consider a second piece of information, $I_2$.
Suppose coin B is flipped an it comes up Heads.
This is where Bayesian networks get tricky. Note that,
$$P(I_2, I_1, A^X, B^Y, C^Z) = P(A^X, B^Y, C^Z | I_2, I_1) P(I_2 | I_1) P(I_1)$$
We can calculate the left side as done before in each case, we know $P(I_1)$ and we can use the state probabilities derived from $I_1$ to assess $P(I_2|I_1)$.
From before,
P(B^F|I_1) = 0.083 + 0.250 = 0.333 \\
P(B^H|I_1) = 0.250 + 0.166 = 0.416 \\
P(B^T|I_1) = 0.083 + 0.166 = 0.249 \\
Hence B coming up Heads given $I_1$ is: $0.333 * 0.5 + 0.416 * 0.75 + 0.249 * 0.25 = 0.541 $
Thus we have our revised state estimates given $I_1, I_2$:
P(A^T, B^F, C^H | I_1, I_2) = 0.231 \\
P(A^T, B^H, C^F| I_1, I_2) = 0.347 \\
P(A^F, B^T, C^H| I_1, I_2) = 0.077 \\
P(A^F, B^H, C^T| I_1, I_2) = 0.230 \\
P(A^H, B^T, C^F| I_1, I_2) = 0.039 \\
P(A^H, B^F, C^T| I_1, I_2) = 0.077 \\
Thus, $A^T$ is 0.578, $B^T$ is 0.116 and $C^T$ is 0.307.
The expectation in this case guessing A having spent 30\$ is 85.6\$.
In general you can expect a reinforcement learning agent to learn what to do based on its choices of guessing or playing for new information. You can use the Bayesian options as heuristics to give an agent an idea of what to play in each iteration.