When modeling the dynamics of a market, a common assumption is that the impact of a "small" (e.g. very low percentage of daily traded volume) order on current and future observations of the market ("observations" being things one could use to determine how much of one asset you could trade for another, e.g. order book snapshots for a centralized exchange, token reserve levels for an automated market maker decentralized exchange, etc.) is almost nonexistent or nonexistent.
Among other things, this assumption then allows us to more easily use historical data for tasks such as backtesting of trading strategies as we do not have to alter the data as a result of our actions at whenever an action is taken.
What I want to know is if this is a potentially "dangerous" assumption and also what has been done to loosen this assumption since no matter how small an order is, it is still recorded in the transactions that have occurred and if those are publicly available, there is potential for situations such as other agents acting on the event of the "small" order with orders of their own that may not be so "small" in size, etc.
Would a potential remedy be to develop our models in a live environment? as in letting them forecast/trade/interact/evaluate on the actual market we're trying to model with a relatively small amount of capital in somewhat of a reinforcement learning framework? as this allows us to not need to assume how our actions might impact the marker since we see what happens in real time.