One of the main aggregate datasets for historical returns on different assets classes (the Stocks, Bonds, Bills, and Inflation® (SBBI®) Yearbook) is being discontinued. Source:
For those of you who do not know this book, it literally has time-series since 1926 to 2023 for the following asset classes:
- Large-Cap Stocks
- Small-Cap Stocks
- Long-term Corp Bonds
- Long-term Gov’t Bonds
- Inter-term Gov’t Bonds
- U.S. Treasury Bills
- Inflation
I am trying to find replacement for all of these time-series. I have a good view on what to replace most of these with:
- Large-Cap Stocks: S&P 500
- Small-Cap Stocks: Small cap stocks from Fama-French
- Long-term Corp Bonds ???
- Long-term Gov’t Bonds 20-year U.S. government bonds
- Inter-term Gov’t Bonds 5-year U.S. government bonds
- U.S. Treasury Bills 1-month U.S. government t-bills
- Inflation CPI
The big issue is long-term corporate bonds. It seems that the Ibbotson index for that is being discontinued. The underlying data seems to be value-weighted returns on AAA and AA corporate bonds with 20 years to maturity (or close to it).
Any private or public dataset that would allow me to replicate this?