I have question about the linear interpolation of interest rates. I am unable to reconcile the Bloomberg methodology for calculating risk-free rate between maturities. In theory it is a straight-line interpolation, but the numbers don't pan out.
For example,
2 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 0.333%(BEY)
3 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 0.633%(BEY)
According to the straight-line method the Yield for 2.826 year is 0.5808%(BEY)
While the interpolated 2.826 year Yield is 0.619% from Blg interpolation function(BEY)
in addition, the additional information is below
1 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 0.11%(BEY)
2 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 0.333%(BEY)
3 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 0.633%(BEY)
4 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 1.058%(BEY)
5 year US Sovereign Strips Yield: 1.426%(BEY)
Is there anyone can calibrate the result from blg?