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Scaling returns to use PCA?

Many machine learning techniques perform better, if the data is preprocessed - either by normalization (MaxMin Scaler) or standardization (Standard Scaler). But that comes with a lack of ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
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PCA for portfolio optimization (Markowitz)

Suppose that I've used the spectral theorem of linear algebra to completely decompose the covariance matrix. I now know the largest and smallest eigenvalue, which corresponds to the largest and ...
Marlon Brando's user avatar
6 votes
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Markowitz Eigenvalues & PCA

I came across this passage in a book about PCA and denoising of Markowitz: But eigenvalues that are important from risk perspective are least important ones from portfolio optimization perspective. ...
Markowitz's user avatar
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Portfolio Optimisation/Covariance Estimation on a large scale

When using Markowitz Portfolio Theory, e.g. for finding an optimal portfolio composition, one needs to have estimates of the returns, but most importantly of the covariance matrix. If our universe of ...
Phil-ZXX's user avatar
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