I want to obtain a simulation of one-step ahead forecasts of stock returns process governed by ARMA(1,0)-GARCH(1,1) process. The returns are of form:
$x_t = \mu + \delta x_{t-1} + \sigma_t z_t$
From my GARCH model I can forecast the conditional mean $\mu + \delta x_{t-1}$ and the conditional standard deviation $\sigma_t$. Let's assume that the distribution of $z_t$ is Gaussian.
So now I am wondering how to obtain the simulation of the stock returns using the above-described approach. My initial solution would be to simulate a number of random variables from the Gaussian distribution $N(0,1)$ and then create my one-step ahead forecast simulations as:
conditional mean (from time $t+1$) + $N(0,1)$ random variable * conditional standard deviation (from time $t+1$)
edit: what is in case of the Gaussian distribution equivalent to: $x_{t+1} \sim N((\mu + \delta x_{t}) ,\sigma_{t+1})$
Is this approach for simulating one-step ahead forecasts of stock returns appropriate? I need those simulations to create asset allocation strategies.