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Questions tagged [garch]

Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model is used for time series in which the conditional variance is time-varying and autocorrelated. The conditional variance is a linear combination of lagged conditional variances and lagged squared errors. The conditional variance equation in GARCH models is deterministic, in contrast to Stochastic Volatility (SV) models.

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Is GARCH (and or it's variations) actually used in risk-modelling for expected-shortfall?

I understand there are limitations and practicality issues with GARCH, but does any company actually use it in their risk-management system when calculating their expected-shortfalls? Even as a basis ...
ayamathss1's user avatar
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Volatility forecast, GARCH and/or HAR?

I am comparing 2 different sentiment datasets in predicting volatility, I would have 2 questions regarding this. 1, Does it make sense to use both GARCH and HAR models for this research to cover a ...
JohnFire's user avatar
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How to compute standardized residuals in GARCH-MIDAS model?

I'm trying to compute the standardized residuals in GARCH-MIDAS model but I think that the calculation is not similar to GARCH standard models in R. As reference I have only Engle's (2012) paper in ...
Michele Mario Ippolito's user avatar
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Does it makes sense to use GARCH to measure mean reversion?

I am doing my final paper at my bachelor. For this, I am testing mean reversion in an asset. I found this paper (Mean reversion in international markets: evidence from G.A.R.C.H. and half-life ...
Victorsmoreschi's user avatar
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Continuation of GARCH(1,1) without data

Please be easy on me since quant finance is not my strength. I have the following Python code that models volatility under GARCH(1,1) for the S&P500: ...
dNyrM's user avatar
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How can I apply the GARCH-MIDAS model to the FTSE MIB using the CPU as an explanatory variable?

I am trying to understand how climate risk impacts the financial market and I am calculating VaR and ES. I am applying the GARCH-MIDAS model to the FTSE MIB, using the Climate Policy Uncertainty Index ...
ELIO's user avatar
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Is there any way to implement GARCH-MIDAS model in R for multivariate estimation?

I'm writing a research paper in economics, and would like to research the impact of both financial and macroeconomic variables on the NIFTY50 index. My plan was to use a GARCH model. I've stumbled ...
Zeeshan Mohammad's user avatar
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GARCH model within a system of simultaneous equations

This is a system of simultaneous equations. The first equations is a GARCH(1,1) model with a exogenous variable. The dependent variable (x) from the fourth equation is exogenous independent variable ...
ZebrasInPjs's user avatar
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Fitting a Copula with GARCH volatility to stock returns

I have the log-returns $r_{n,t}$ for 3 stocks, $n=1,2,3$, and $t=1,..,T=365$ days, and I want to model the expected shortfall given arbitrary positions on those stocks. I calibrate the GARCH model ...
Xerium's user avatar
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Reducing possible models count for calibration in ARFIMA-GARCH models

I have the question connected with ARFIMA-GARCH models. I have a time series for which I want to calibrate best model (p,q)-(P, Q) (via BIC) with $ p,q <= 4, P,Q <=2$. GARCH part can be "...
Dmitriy's user avatar
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eGARCH(1,1) model evaluation (R). How to assess model integrity?

I am using GARCH modelling for my bachelor thesis in Economics. I am entirely new to the concept, and have only been looking into these kind of models for about a week now. I am trying to do a ...
Sam's user avatar
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Profitability on Value at Risk forecasting

I'm conducting a research related to Value at Risk forecasting using volatility models like GARCH and others. My predictions are turning out quite well with some models. Is there a way to capitalize ...
finance_bro's user avatar
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State Space model with heteroskedastic disturbance - approximation of error term

We have a state-space model with a heteroskedastic disturbance term modelled according to some time-varying process (e.g. ARCH, GARCH etc.). The disturbance term is modelled according to e.g. $h_{t+1}=...
Energy Media's user avatar
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Calibration of Heston-Nandi GARCH Model Using Historical Data: Risk-Neutral vs. Physical Measure

I am currently working on calibrating the Heston-Nandi GARCH model using historical asset return data and am faced with a decision on whether to use the risk-neutral or physical measure for this ...
Quant's user avatar
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GARCH for Mean Variance Optimization

I am currently trying to carry out a mean variance optimisation, with the implementation of GARCH. I'm not sure if this is going to make complete sense as my understanding of GARCH is limited. In the ...
FraserM2000's user avatar
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ARCH-Vasicek model solution

I understand how we can obtain the solution of Vasicek model $dr_t=\alpha(\mu-r_t)dt+\sigma dW_t$: $$ r_t=r_0e^{-\alpha t}+\mu(1-e^{-\alpha t})+\sigma\int_0^te^{-\alpha(t-s)dW_{s}} $$ This easily ...
KiNest's user avatar
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Getting standardized residuals from MSGARCH in R

After estimation by the MSGARCH package in R, I couldn't find a way to extract residuals from the estimation results. Anyone know how to extract the residuals from MSGARCH package in R? Thanks!
Frank Cheng's user avatar
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GARCH before and after a shock. How to test if volatilities are different?

I have an intraday dataset with minute returns for a bond. At a specific point in time, say 10:30, there is an external shock (in my case an auction where that bond is traded). I want to know whether ...
Avocado's user avatar
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Master Thesis about Heston vs. Duan option pricing model

I would like to write my master's thesis on volatility in option pricing. My idea was to compare the stochastic volatility model of Heston 1993 with the GARCH option pricing model of Duan 1995. For ...
Aaron 's user avatar
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In copula modeling for time series data, why do we need to fit ARIMA/GARCH and then work on standardized residulas.?

I have read that for standard copula modeling, you can get empirical cdf of data and use it for copulas. But for time series data, we must first fit ARIMA/GARCH, get standardized residuals, and only ...
nadeem's user avatar
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Can the white noise in multivariate GARCH have different distributions?

I have two datasets of log returns, one is clearly normal while the other is t-distributed. I want to fit these with a mutlivariate GARCH model. A multivariate GARCH model is defined as $$\mathbf{r}_t=...
Isaac E's user avatar
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Uncertainty on volatility prediction using GARCH(1,1)

I have daily returns data and I predict the variance for the next day using GARCH(1,1) as follows ...
PhDStudent's user avatar
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Value At Risk Modelling for electricity market with negative prices

I'm a bit at loss after trying to find papers regarding tail risk for electricity markets. There doesn't appear to be a whole lot of literature (or perhaps I haven't managed to find it) regarding ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is there any way to estimate a multivariate GARCH-MIDAS model in R?

I'm writing my master thesis in economics, and would like to research the impact of both financial and macroeconomic variables on the S&P500 index. My plan was to use a GARCH model. I've stumbled ...
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Are ARMA-GARCH-type models suitable for monthly data?

I understand that ARMA-GARCH models and their variations are usually applied to daily time series. While I know that such models can be also estimated on monthly data, I have seen few applications in ...
Barbab's user avatar
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Garch Model with Vix as external regressor un dummy rugarch r studio

I would like to try to replicate this variance dummied model in r studio, to try to compare garch vs i.v in forecasting vol: Data : S&P 500 log-return from 03.01.2020 to 31.12.2022 Ext regressor : ...
fabdellar's user avatar
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3 answers

GARCH on returns or on log-returns?

I'm trying to capture heteroskedasticity in the returns of a price time series using a GARCH model. A basic intuition suggests that I should fit the GARCH model on log-returns: indeed, if the price is ...
Jerem Lachkar's user avatar
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Black-Scholes implied volatility using a GARCH model

Why I'm not getting the same Black-Scholes implied volatility values as the ones given in the paper "Asset pricing with second-order Esscher transforms" (2012) by Monfort and Pegoraro? The ...
StochasticNewby's user avatar
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Is my time horizon for GARCH(1,1)/ARCH(1)/EGARCH(1,1) reasonable?

I am trying to learn about volatility forecasting using three models: ARCH(1), GARCH(1, 1) and EGARCH(1, 1) using python. I wanted to know if my general procedure is correct, and specifically if my ...
probablysid's user avatar
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Standardized residual by GARCH model shows bimodal distribution, is it normal?

I fit a GARCH(1,1) model on the spread of 2 correlated assets : the GARCH model shows this summary: ...
Jerem Lachkar's user avatar
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Problem matching prices of Black-Scholes vs. GARCH(1,1) in Duan (1995)

In the paper of Duan (1995) the author compare European call option prices using Black-Scholes model vs. GARCH(1,1)-M model (GARCH-in-mean). To be brief, the author fits the following GARCH(1,1)-M ...
StochasticNewby's user avatar
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GARCH process simulation in R

I'm trying to learn how to simulate the GARCH(1,1) for option pricing using Monte Carlo. I need to learn how to code the equations for the stock log returns and the variance process. I'm trying to ...
StochasticNewby's user avatar
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Assessing the GARCH model out-of-time

I have fitted two competing GARCH models, one GARCH(1,2) model and another EGARCH(1,1,1) both with t-distributed errors, on the ...
deblue's user avatar
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GARCH models for assets with scheduled announcements

How do you fit a GARCH model to the returns of a stock given the dates of past earnings announcements? Volatility will tend to higher than a GARCH model would predict on the announcement day.
Fortranner's user avatar
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Multistep ahead forecasts in GARCH equations

If my one step ahead forecasts from GARCH(1,1)-X are: \begin{equation} \hat{h}_{t+1} = \hat{\alpha}_0 + \hat{\alpha}_1 \hat{u}^2_t + \hat{\beta}_1 \hat{h}_t + \hat{\psi} X_t \end{equation} Where ...
Moataz's user avatar
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Volatility Modelling negative GJR-GARCH-X coefficient

I have estimated GARCH and GJR-GARCH with several exogenous variables. Some of the exogenous variables have negative coefficients that are statistically significant. For instance, I can write my GJR-...
Moataz's user avatar
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Forecasting VIX with GARCH(1,1)

Aim: Forecast VIX using GARCH(1,1) Reason: I want to be able to forecast VIX on several horizons, in order to be able to forecast the SP500 index through linear regression. Tools used: Python, ...
GusC's user avatar
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Optimal Hedging Ratio using Copula Models

Let $r_{s, t}$ and $r_{f, t}$ be the return rates of the spot and futures of a commodity at time $t$. The hedging ratio based on variance minimization is calculated by finding the minimum of the ...
Blg Khalil's user avatar
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Can one estimate rather than forecast volatility using the GARCH model?

Can one use the GARCH model to estimate the realized variance/volatility, such as done in this paper, rather than forecast the volatility, from (high frequency) price/tick data?
Hans's user avatar
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Long-run volatility forecast of a GARCH(1,1)

Can I assume that "the long run volatility forecast of a GARCH(1,1) is higher in periods of high volatility than in periods of low volatility?
user62408's user avatar
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GARCH option pricing

I have been trying to implement GARCH(1,1) model for pricing call options. Suppose I have calibrated Garch(1,1) model for modelling the conditional volatility using the historical data of an equity ...
Dhruv Rathore's user avatar
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2-day ahead prediction of value at risk with GARCH(1,1) in R

Let's say I have a 10 year dataset of Tesla (example) and I am taking the percentage change of lag 2: ...
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Variance of the price from returns variance

Let's say that we have the variance of the daily return at $t_0$: $$\sigma_{r_{t_0}}^2=\text{Var}[r_{t_0}]=\text{Var}[\frac{S_{t_0}-S_{t_0-1}}{S_{t_0-1}}]$$ for price process $S_t$. Is there a way to ...
Michał Dąbrowski's user avatar
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Conditional Value at Risk using GARCH models

In this paper:
Barbab's user avatar
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How to deal with negative intercept terms on GJR-GARCH(1,1) model?

Recently, I have been studying the relationship between COVID-19 and stock returns using a GJR form of threshold ARCH model. However, I got some unusual estimation results I can't figure out whether ...
Niraj Koirala's user avatar
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What implies "conditional heteroskedasticity" in (G)ARCH? [closed]

I have trouble to understand what implies "conditional heteroskedasticity" term in (G)ARCH models. The residual $\epsilon$ is stationary, hence homoskedastic (unconditional variance is ...
Sane's user avatar
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Why in ARCH/GARCH model we don't add residual?

The most simple ARCH is given by: $$\sigma^2_t=E{\epsilon_t^2|I_{t-1}}=\alpha_0+\alpha_1\epsilon^2_{t-1}$$ Why in this model we do not have residual as well? Example: $$\sigma^2_t=E{\epsilon_t^2|I_{t-...
Sane's user avatar
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how should i interpret the gjr-garch output where the gamma coefficient comes positives but insignificant?

i run gjrgarch model on russia stock market where the gamma coefficient in gjrgarch(1,1) model output is insignificant but positive. "gamma1 -0.026240 0.033785 -0.77669 0.437340" how ...
Younis's user avatar
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Any reproducible r code for week day effect in garch?

I am looking for an r code to run a GARCH model with a day of week effect. Is there any package or code I can use for this?
forb's user avatar
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I am getting an $\alpha=0$ in the GARCH(1,1) model. Is this normal and how must I interpret it?

I am running a GARCH(1,1) on return data. For some data sets, I am getting an $\alpha=0$ and a $\beta$ of 0.999. Is this normal? If so how should I interpret it? Here is my code, here j are daily ...
forb's user avatar
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