I want to start by stating a problem that I wanted to figure out initially so that this all ties in somehow. I initially wanted to figure out if individual securities in an efficient portfolio all had the same Sharpe Ratio as the portfolio itself which I soon easily figured out was not the case as $$Sharpe = \frac{E[R_{P}] - r_{f}}{SD(R_{P})}= \frac{x_{1}E[R_{1}]+x_{2}E[R_{2}]+...+x_{n}E[R_{n}]-r_{f}}{\sqrt{x_{1}Cov(R_{1},R_{M})+x_{2}Cov(R_{2},R_{M}),+...+x_{n}Cov(R_{n},R_{M})}}$$ which indicates that the Sharpe Ratio of the portfolio is a combination of the expected returns and covariance of all individual securities. Next I stumbled upon a statement which said that in an efficient portfolio the following holds true $$\frac{E[R_1] - r_f}{Cov(R_{1},R_{M})} = \frac{E[R_2] - r_f}{Cov(R_{2},R_{M})} = ... = \frac{E[R_M] - r_f}{Var(R_{M})} $$ This makes sense to me and after playing with the equation I got $$\frac{E[R_1] - r_f}{SD(R_1)Corr(R_1,R_M)}=\frac{E[R_2] - r_f}{SD(R_2)Corr(R_2,R_M)}=...=\frac{E[R_{eff}] - r_f}{SD(R_{eff})}$$ Where we assume the market portfolio is efficient.
So my question is: In the last equation is that the ratio which all securities in an efficient portfolio must have equal and is it true that the Sharpe ratio of individual securities in an efficient portfolio need not be the same? Or am I just confusing an efficient portfolio with the market portfolio which is simply a type of efficient portfolio?