Suppose we are in the mean-variance optimization setting with a vector of returns $\alpha$ and a vector of portfolio weights $\omega$.
In a robust setting, the returns are assumed to lie in some uncertainty region. I came accross a paper which lets this region, call it $U$, be given by the sphere centered at $\alpha$ with radius $\chi|\alpha|$ where $\chi$ lies between 0 and 1.
The authors then turn their attention to:
$\min_U r_{p}$
and end up with the following solution:
$\min_U r_{p}=\alpha^\intercal\omega-\chi|\alpha||\omega|$ ... ... ... (1)
They do not provide much detail as to how they arrive at this but mention the following: "this uncertainty region corresponds to a one-sigma neighborhood under a Bayesian prior of an uncertain $\alpha$ distributed normally about the estimated $\alpha$, with $\sigma=\chi|\alpha|$..."
Does anyone know how they might have arrived at equation (1)??? Thanks in advance!