I will be putting ALL my account points on bounty to whoever answers this question [if your answer is crap but it's the only answer, you're getting the 165 points]. You will have to wait 2 days or so from now to receive the points. Yes, all $165$ points!
I purchased Michaud & Michaud's 1998 book called "Effective Asset Management". In it they detail their Resampled Efficient Frontier (REF) methodology. In chapter 6 they present an out of sample simulation test. I'm trying to replicate this test but am having difficulty understanding what they mean because I am not good with a completely wordy explanation of how to do a simulation study. I'll place snippets of their simulation instructions into code
and what I think I have to do to replicate the simulation into enumeration/dot-points.
My question is: Have I interpreted their instructions correctly?
In a simulation study, the referee is assumed to know the true set of
risk-returns for the assets.
1) I have $\mu$ and $\Omega$, these are considered "true"/population.
The referee does not tell investors the true values but provides a set of Monte Carlo simulated returns consistent with the true risks and returns. In the base
case data set, each simulation consists of 18 years of monthly returns
and represents a possible out-of-sample realization of the true values of
the optimization parameters.
2) I simulate $\mathbf{r}\sim MVN(\mu,\Omega)$, which will be a $T\textrm{x}(\textrm{Number of assets})$ matrix. Here, they are setting the matrix dimensions to be $(18 years*12 months)\textrm{x}(\textrm{Number of assets})$.
Each set of simulated returns results in an estimate (with estimation error) of the optimization parameters and an MV efficient frontier. Each MV efficient frontier and set of estimated optimization parameters defines an RE optimized frontier.
3) This is what I'm most confused about. I'll try to guess at what they're saying here. Here's my guess: Estimate $\hat{\mu}$ and $\hat{\Omega}$ based on the simulated $\mathbf{r}$. Then (i) do MVO optimization over $\hat{\mu}$ and $\hat{\Omega}$, and (ii) Do REF optimization by simulating $500$ futures from $\hat{\mu}$ and $\hat{\Omega}$, resulting in $\hat{\mathbf{r}}_i\sim MVN(\hat{\mu},\hat{\Omega})$,$i \in \{1,...,500\}$. Using $\hat{\mathbf{r}}_i$ to find $\hat{\hat{\mu}}_i$ and $\hat{\hat{\Omega}}_i$, and then find the REF based on these $500$ estimates. This will result in two frontiers, one for (i) and one for (ii).
This process is repeated many times.
4) Repeat steps 2) to 3) $N$ times, at each step storing both the MVO and REF frontier weights matrices that you calculate in 3) (it's a weights matrix because it's a bunch of vectors at each point along the frontier). This will result in $N$ matrices of weights for MVO, where each $n \in \{1,...,N\{$ is the results of one of the simulations 2)$\rightarrow$3). The same for the REF.
In each of the simulations of MV and RE optimized frontiers, the referee uses the true risk-return values to score the actual risks and returns of the optimized portfolios.
5) For each $n \in \{1,...,N\}$, we have weights matrices $_nw_{RE}$ and $_nw_{MV}$. Taking $_nw_{{RE},i}$ as one vector in the matrix of weights $_nw_{RE}$, find $_nw_{{RE},i}' \mu$ and $_nw_{{RE},i}' \Omega_nw_{{RE},i}$ for each $i$. This will result in a graph in $(\sigma,\mathbb{E}r)$ space. Do the same for $_nw_{{MV},i} \forall i \forall n$.
The averaged results of the simulation study are displayed in Exhibit 6.3.
The upper dotted curves display the in-sample averaged MV and RE
frontiers that were submitted to the referee for scoring. The higher dotted
curve is the MV efficient frontier; the lower dotted curve is the REF. The
portfolios are plotted based on the simulated risks and returns. However,
the referee knows the true risks and returns for each simulated optimized
portfolio. The bottom solid curves in Exhibit 6.3 display the average of
the true, out-of-sample, risks and returns of the optimized portfolios. The
higher solid curve represents the RE optimized results, the lower solid
curve the Markowitz optimized results.
6) Massive confusion. What are these "average results
"? I'm guessing they do the unweighted mean of each of the $(\sigma,\mathbb{E}r)$ results (for all $N$) in step 5) for both methodologies and then plot both frontiers. However what's this OOS/in-sample business? Does steps 1) to 5) result in the OOS frontiers? Is the in-sample frontier the standard REF and MVO calculated from the true $\mu$ and $\Omega$?
Here's an alternative explanation from Michaud and Michaud, in 2008 paper "ESTIMATION ERROR AND PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION: A RESAMPLING SOLUTION".
Following Jobson and Korkie (1981) and Michaud
(1998, Ch. 6), we perform a simulation test to
compare RE vs. MV optimization. In a simulation
test, a referee is assumed to know the true values
of asset risks and returns. The 20 stock risk-return
data, shown in the Appendix, serves as the “truth”
in our simulation experiments. The referee creates
a simulated history and provides returns that are
statistically consistent with the true risk-return estimates.
These returns can either be thought of as
historical observations of a stationary return distribution,
or a number of noisy estimates of next
period’s return. The Markowitz and RE investors
compute their efficient portfolios based on the referee’s
supplied returns. The referee uses the true
risk-return values to score the optimized portfolios.
Figure 4 gives the average of the results after many
simulation tests.
The curves displayed in Figure 4 represent the averaged
results from the simulation test. The left-hand
panel displays the average MV and RE efficient frontiers computed from the referee’s returns, the
portfolios that were submitted to the referee for
scoring. The higher (red) dotted curve is the MV
efficient frontier; the lower (blue) dotted curve is
the REF. The left-hand panel represents what the
Markowitz and RE investors see on average given
the referee’s data. The right-hand panel of Figure 4
illustrates the average results of how the submitted
efficient frontier portfolios performed when the referee
applied the true risk-returns. The higher (blue)
solid curve represents the RE optimizer results; the
lower (red) solid curve the Markowitz optimizer
results. The right-hand panel of Figure 4 shows
that the RE optimizer, on average, achieves roughly
the same return with less risk, or alternatively more
return with the same level of risk, relative to the
Markowitz optimizer.