They are a lot of ways to compute an "estimated bid-ask spread". The most straightforward one is to sample the bid-ask on a regular time grid (for instance every second), but that for you need all the quote changes (a quote is the best bid and ask, price and quantity).
Usually it is easier (and cheaper) to get the quotes sampled just before the transactions of the day. Hence it is natural the compute the average bid-ask spread on such a database. Unfortunately this sample time is a stopping time and not a deterministic good that is known "a priori". Worst than that it is probable that the occurence of a trade is not independent of the bid-ask spread: most probably traders or algorithms are making a trade-off between the cost of crossing the spread and some predictors or a waiting cost. Because of that the bid-ask spread compute just before a trade is in general smaller than the "average bid-ask spread" (on a regular time grid).
In this context, the original question is: "is the bid-ask spread sampled just before a trade always lower than the bid-ask spread sampled on a regular time grid?"