Say I sold a long-dated European put option and I want to analyze the costs and benefits of partial hedges in a world with stochastic price movements, rate movements, and volatility. For example, let's say I want to hedge 50% of my delta, 75% of my rho, and 25% of my vega.
How can I calculate the expected cost/benefit of my hedge? If all risks were 100% hedged, I'd pay the option premium up front (cost) and nothing more at maturity (benefit). If all risks were 50% hedged, I'd pay 50% of the option premium up front (cost) and only 50% of the payout at maturity (benefit). But if my risks are hedged in varying degrees, what analytical solutions are available for me to estimate these costs and benefits without explicit derivation of Greeks at each rebalancing point in the simulation?
EDIT (Given @Arshdeep's responses):
Maybe it will be better if I express myself and my interpretation of Arshdeep's response formulaically. Suppose my stock doesn't have dividends and follows the Heston model described in Hull Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, so that in my discrete simulation I have:
$\frac{dS}{S} = r \Delta t + \sqrt {V} dz_s$
$\Delta V_t = a(V_L - V_{t-1}) \Delta t + \xi V^{\alpha} dz_v$
$V_t = V_{t-1} + \Delta V_t$
Where $dz_s$ and $dz_v$ are my correlated standard normal random draws. Then my simulation follows the form:
$S_t = S_{t-1} * e^{(r - V_t / 2) \Delta t + \sqrt{V_t} dz_s}$
According to @Arshdeep, I can independently test the impact of my delta and vega hedges. My interpretation of his response is that I apply the following hedge coverage amounts to my simulation, where X is (1 - % Delta Hedged) and Y is (1 - % Vega Hedged):
$S_t = S_{t-1} * e^{X[(r - V_{t-1} / 2) \Delta t + \sqrt{V_{t-1}} dz_s] + Y [(\sqrt{V_t} - \sqrt{V_{t-1}})dz_s - (dV_t)/2]}$
I don't know what to make of this term that represents your unhedged change in volatility when Y<1 but X=1: $(\sqrt{V_t} - \sqrt{V_{t-1}})dz_s$. If you 100% hedge delta, your equity volatility is 0%, but your change in volatility can be less than 0, resulting in negative volatility. Can your net volatility position be negative? In practice, it just flips the sign of your $dz_s$ term, but I don't know what that intuitively means.