Assume that you have a portfolio for which you have estimated a parametric model to the underlying instruments, but the distribution of the portfolio as a whole is too complicated to compute explicitly. Now you want to determine the expected shortfall by Monte Carlo simulations.
We know that for our r.v. $Y$ the empirical cdf can be estimated by $$\hat{F}_Y(y)=\frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n I(Y_i \leq y)$$ and the quantiles can be estimated by $$\hat{y}_q=\text{inf}[y:\hat{F}_Y(y)\ge q] =\Upsilon_{[nq]+1}$$ where $\Upsilon_i$ is the i:th order statistic. Thus the ES can be estimated by $$\widehat{ES}_p(Y) = \frac{1}{p}\left(\sum\limits_{i=1}^{[np]}\frac{\Upsilon_i}{n}+\left(p-\frac{[np]}{n}\right)\Upsilon_{[np]+1}\right)$$
However, as we will see for this numerical approximation is that it converges very slow for increasing sample size N! This is illustrated with an example where the random variable Y is standard normal (the x axis is N/100)
Maybe you could naively repeat the simulation for fixed N (sufficiently large, eg. ~200*100) and then take the mean. But isn't there any other techniques that deal with this problem (especially in the case of heavy tails)? I've managed to find several different methods, for example using control variates, importance sampling, delta-gamma approximation etc. But none of these doesn't apply to the case of empirical ES.
All comments, including references to articles, are welcome!