Can Fourier transforms be used to derive the joint probability density function of stochastic interest rates and stock price Brownian motions of call options under stochastic interest rates?
So lets say we have for the interest rate the following process $$dr(t)=\lambda(\theta-r(t))dt+\sigma^{r}dW^{r}(t)$$
and for the stock process $$dS(t)=r(t)S(t)dt+\sigma^{S}S(t)dW^{S}(t)$$ A regular vanilla call option price is then given as $$\mathrm{Call}(t,K)=\mathbb{E}^{Q}\left[e^{-\int_{0}^{t}r(s) ds}(S(t)-K)^{+}\right]$$
Can the joint density $f(W^{r}(t),W^{S}(t))$ be derived from call option prices by use of the Fourier Transform?