Given that we want to find the Value at Risk for a portfolio of stocks only, there are two main methods to proceed. In the problem, we also assume that stocks follow a geometric Brownian motion.
A full scale simulation:
- simulate normal deviates B;
- plug into $S_t = S_0 e^{(\mu-0.5\sigma^2)t + \sigma t B_t}$;
- pick the 1% highest portfolio value. Call this $V_p$ ;
- VaR is then $V_t - V_p$.
where $V_t$ is the current value of portfolio.
This methodology is of course good, but can fail to give an accurate solution quickly. Therefore, one can use the quick fix of risk metrics and assume that aritmethic returns equals logreturns ( $\log(1+x) =x$ ) and one get their method:
Parametric version:
- Return of portfolio is a linear combination of gaussians, and therefore univariat gaussian itself (Y).
- VaR is then $\Phi(0.01)\sigma_Y V_t$
Both methods can be justified seperately, but my problem is that I want to alternate to use the two methods (due to time constraints in some cases). A bright observer of this VaR-measure will then see that the amount jumps up and down depending on the method used (especially for high-volatile stocks). Is it therefore possible in some way to modify the parametric VaR-measure to give better results?
- Assumed Gaussian for simplicity.
- The multivariate case is of course the important question, but you can do the generalization yourself).
- Of course, better simulation techniques can be used (this is not the question adressed here).
- Also, simulating aritmetic returns will neither address the problem.