
Stock data retrieval form Google. Example: I want to retrieve the stock data for Infosys. Infosys has two listings with the same ticker symbol but on a different exchange and in different currencies (ADR and ADS).

exchange: NYSE
ticker: INFY
google company id: 663089
ccy: USD
exchange timezone: America/New_York

exchange: EPA
ticker: INFY
google company id: 853018699393258
ccy: EUR
exchange timezone: Europe/Paris

Using the google finance API in python it returns me the values for the NYSE listing. Is there a way to call the information for the other ticker in Europe as well?

df = web.DataReader(name='INFY', data_source='google', start='20170308', end='20170308')

      Open   High    Low  Close   Volume
2017-03-08    15  15.09  14.93  14.97  5673225

2 Answers 2


Technically speaking, you can include the exchange code along with the symbol. For example, for INFY on NYSE, you can do:

web.DataReader('NYSE:INFY', 'google')

However, it appears that Google Finance does not allow you to export EPA data, so EPA:INFY wouldn't work and you'll need to find a different data provider.


interestingly enough, using yahoo with the right ticker symbol does give you the European prices

web.DataReader('INFY.PA', 'yahoo')


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