There is a deeper issue. Frequentist distributions are not probability distributions because they are designed to be minimax distributions rather than actual distributions. This ignores all of the other problems and this also ignores risk-neutral versus any other measure of risk aversion.
An even deeper issue is that these models presume that the parameters are known. If you have a wealth model such as $w_{t+1}=Rw_t+\epsilon_{t+1}$, where $\epsilon_t\sim\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2_t)$, then if $R$ and $\sigma^2_t$ are known, then the mean-variance results follow. However, if the parameters are not known, then they can never be known.
White, J. S. (1958). The limiting distribution of the serial correlation coefficient in the explosive case. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 29(4):1188–1197
This shocking proof, when combined with Mann and Wald's proof
Mann, H. and Wald, A. (1943). On the statistical treatment of linear stochastic
difference equations. Econometrica, 11:173–200.
Imply that if mean-variance models are true, then no solution can be constructed using their axioms.
For a solution to the question you are asking, however, see
Harris, D.E.(2017) The Distribution of Returns. Journal of Mathematical Finance, 7, 769-804,
which derives the distributions of returns. You can use these as Bayesian likelihood functions and arrive at a coherent predictive distribution.
The Bayesian predictive distribution is:
$$\Pr(\tilde{x}=k|\mathbf{X})=\int_{\theta\in\Theta}\Pr(\tilde{x}=k|\theta)\Pr(\theta|\mathbf{X})\mathrm{d}\theta,\forall{k}\in\chi,$$ where $\chi$ is the sample space, $\Theta$ is the parameter space, $\theta$ is a parameter or vector of parameters in $\Theta$, $\mathbf{X}$ is the observed sample and $\tilde{x}$ is some predicted value.
Notice that $\Pr(\tilde{x}|\mathbf{X})$ does not depend upon the values for $\theta$ as any uncertainty as to its true value has been marginalized out so that the prediction only depends upon the information that you observed.
The predictive distribution of $\tilde{x}$ is coherent so that a bookie, or market-maker, offering prices or odds based on the information in $\mathbf{X}$ cannot be gamed and take a sure loss by a clever actor or set of actors. That is never true for Frequentist solutions. You can rig a game based on a Frequentist statistic if you are crafty enough.
Whereas the Frequentist model assumes the parameters are known, the Bayesian model ends with a result that they do not matter for the purposes of making a prediction. That is a powerful result. The former is fragile, the latter is robust.
As to why we adopt these strong views, it is because we are people. Even economists who do not work for the Street have vested interests. It is challenging to be a scientist when your salary is tied to your outcomes.