The Microsoft Excel at my investment bank has an .xll add-in with a function whose coded functionality I cannot observe. This function is called VolInterp and as the name suggests, calculates the interpolated sample volatility.
The problem is I cannot yield the same numbers as this function through a manual calculation. I'm therefore questioning my understanding of how the overall project is utilising these volatilities.
My understanding of interpolation is that through an iid assumption, the variances of a data series scaled for time are additive and hence the linear interpolation occurs at the variance level before square rooting to retrieve the volatility. The result of this logic does not match that of the VolInterp() function.
I am hoping that one of the many intelligent people on this website may crack the coded functionality behind the VolInterp() function. To help, I will provide the numbers I am working with including the result of the VolInterp() function.
Many thanks in advance
T1 = 30 days
T2 = 61 days
t = 31 days
V1 = 13.5611203572058%
V2 = 13.132597021628%
Interpolated Volatility via VolInterp() Function
v = 13.5343228915993%
My Answer
$$ v = \sqrt{\left(\frac{t-T_{1}}{T_{2}-T_{1}}\right)V_{2}^{2}+ \left(\frac{T_{2}-t}{T_{2}-T_{1}}\right)V_{1}^{2}}$$
$v = $13.5475085970615%
Function Description:
The value returned is the square root of the result of linearly interpolating "yvals $\times$ yvals $\times$ xvals" divided by the square root of x. So if x and xvals are year fractions and yvals are annualized volatilities then the returned value is an annulaized volatility obtained by linearly interploating the variances.