Let's note $L(t,T_i,T_{i+1})$ the libor rate observed at $t$, fixing at $T_i$ with delivery at $T_{i+1}$.
The natural delivery date for this rate is $T_{i+1}$, so a vanilla swap with no pay lag would be priced as :
$Swap(t) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \tau (T_i,T_{i+1}) P(t,T_{i+1}) \mathop{\mathbb{E}} ^{i+1}\left[ (L(T_i,T_i,T_{i+1})-K) \right]$
with $\mathop{\mathbb{E}} ^{i+1}$ the expectation under the forward measure associated with the bond $P(t,T_{i+1}) $
$\tau (T_i,T_{i+1}) = T_{i+1} - T_i$ for simplification
Under the sum we use $P(t,T_{i+1}) $ for dicounting as the payments occurs at $T_{i+1} $.
To price a CMS swap, we have the know expression for the swap rate :
$$s_{m,n}(t)=\frac{ P(t,T_m) - P(t,T_n)}{ A_{m,n}(t) }$$
with $A_{m,n}$ the annuity given by : $$A_{m,n}(t)= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \tau (T_i,T_{i+1}) P(t,T_{i+1})$$
now a CMS swap can be priced as (Simply replacing the libor rate with the constant maturity swap rate) :
$SwapCMS(t) = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \tau (T_i,T_{?}) P(t,T_{?}) \mathop{\mathbb{E}} ^{?}\left[ (s_{m,n}(T_i)-K) \right]$
I put questions marks in the formula because this is where i'm confused. When is the delivery of the swap rate? I mean the natural pay date so that I can choose the the bond for discounting and the forward measure needed? Or what is the discount I need to use and the forward measure in this case and why?
Thank you