Problem: Let $\{Zt\}$ be a sequence of independent normal random variables, each with mean $0$ and variance $\sigma^2$, and let $a$, $b$, and $c$ be constants. Is $X_t=a+bZ_t+cZ_{t-2}$ a (weakly) stationary process?
I want to do this in two ways. First one is to just calculate the autocovariance function $\gamma_X(h)$ and the mean function $\mu_X(t)$ and show that both are independent of time. The other way is to show that $\gamma_X(r,s)=\gamma_X(r+h,s+h).$
Method 1: We have since $\mu_Z(t)=0$ we have
- $E[X_t]=E[a+bZ_t+cZ_{t-2}]=a+bE[Z_t]+cE[Z_{t-2}] = a+b\mu_Z(t)+c\mu_Z(t) = a.$
- And for the ACF \begin{align} \gamma_{X}(h)&=\text{Cov}[X_t,X_{t+h}]=E[X_tX_{t+h}]=E[(a+bZ_t+cZ_{t-2})(a+bZ_{t+h}+cZ_{t+h-2})]\\ &= a^2+abE[Z_{t+h}] + acE[Z_{t+h-2}]+abE[Z_t]+b^2E[Z_tZ_{t+h}] + bcE[Z_tZ_{t+h-2}]\\ &+ acE[Z_{t-2}]+ bcE[Z_{t-2}Z_{t+h}] + c^2E[Z_{t-2}Z_{t+h-2}] = a^2. \end{align}
So since both $\mu_X(t)$ and $\gamma_X(h)$ are just a constant it's independent of $t$ and thus $X_t$ is is weakly stationary.
Question: Due to the independence of the $Z_t$ is it ok to conclude that $\gamma_X(h)=a^2$ or do I need to set $h=0,1,2$ and calculate the ACF for the 3 cases?
Method 2: In this method, I don't understand really how to do it. This is my start.
\begin{align} \gamma_X(r,s)&=E[(X_r-\mu_X(t))(X_s-\mu_X(t))]=E[X_rX_s]-aE[X_r]-aE[X_s]+a^2\\ &= E[X_rX_s]-a^2-a^2+a^2 = E[X_rX_s]-a^2... \end{align}
But now I don't see how to come to $\gamma_X(r+h,s+h)$ in the RHS. Any help is appreciated.