I'm new to stochastic calculus and try to calculate (1) mean and (2) variance of $$\int_s^t W_u du$$ where $W_u$ is a Brownian motion. I already found this helpful answer, where it was shown that $\int_0^t W_u du \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \frac{1}{3}t^3)$ Using the same logic I can show that $$\int_s^t W_u du = \int_s^t (t-u) dW_u $$ Can I follow that $$\mathbb{E}\biggl[\int_s^t W_u du \biggl] = \mathbb{E}\biggl[\int_s^t (t-u) dW_u \biggl] = 0 \text{ ?}$$ and if the mean is zero $$Var\biggl[\int_s^t W_u du \biggl] = Var\biggl[\int_s^t (t-u) dW_u \biggl] = \mathbb{E}\biggl[\biggl(\int_s^t (t-u) dW_u \biggl)^2\biggl] = \mathbb{E}\biggl[\int_s^t (t-u)^2 du \biggl] \text{ ?}$$ And if so, why is this true?
Many thanks in advance!