Consider a probability filtred space $(\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathbb F, \mathbb P)$, where $\mathbb F = (\mathcal F_t)_{0\leq t\leq T}$ satisfing the habitual conditions and isgenerated by $1 d $- Brownian Motion (with $\mathcal F_T = \mathcal F$).
Also, consider a finantial market where the interest rate is nul, $r=0$, and the dynamics of the risky asset $S$ is given by $$S_t= S_0 + \int_0^t \mu_s ~ds +\int_0^t \sigma_s ~dW_s \quad , t \geq 0$$
where $t \in [0,T] \mapsto \mu_t$ and $t \in [0,T] \mapsto \sigma_t \geq 0$ are deterministic and continuous functions.
Show that:
- If the absence of arbitrage opportunity hypothesis is verified, then $B:=\{t \in [0,T] : \sigma_t=0 \ \text{and} \ \mu_t \neq 0\}$ is a Lebesgue nul-measure set (ie, $\int_0^T\mathbf1_{t \in B} dt=0$).
- $\nu_\sigma(O):= \int_0^T\mathbf1_{t \in O}\sigma_t ~dt$ dominates $\nu_\mu (O):= \int_0^T\mathbf1_{t \in O} \mu_t ~dt$, where $O$ is a borelian of $[0,T]$ ( ie, $\nu_\mu \ll \nu_\sigma$) and deduce from it that there is a measurable function $\lambda$ such that $\mu = \sigma \lambda$.