I saw some threads about reducing dimensionality of IR risk strips, e.g. PCA and risk bucketing.
However, I did not find a satisfying answer to that yet. Therefore, I decided to formulate a similar problem: Suppose I have an IR par risk strip S with N buckets and want to find a smaller subset P of S such that the corresponding delta P&L's are as close as possible. This may be approached via PCA and/or VaR minimizing techniques. However, note that I do not want to fix the subset P in advance, rather the reduced buckets in P should be variables too. Hence, find reduced buckets P and a function f, which aggregates the par risks of S to the reduced par risk strip P, providing a best fit w.r.t to delta P&L of P and S.
I would start with a PCA analysis: Construct NxN Covariance Matrix, find eigenvalues and eigenvectors. I could look at "critical nodes" in PC 1,...,PC N and these may be candidates for P. Let's take the simplest and most erroneous example (just to be on the same page): Suppose the whole yield curve movement could be explained by PC 1, then P would be a singleton (I could choose any of the nodes of S). Also, the function f would be trivial too: Just multiply S with the first eigenvector. This would aggregate all the risks from S to the singleton P.
How could we then incorporate other PCA's to define a subset P and a reasonable function f?
Once having defined (P,f), I can of course transform the reduced par risk strip P to other desired risk models via Jacobians etc and also use VaR minimizing techniques etc.
Maybe you have a completely different approach and can elaborate? The above is just a first guess.