I want to derive closed form expression (similar to the Black Scholes formula for a call price) for the payoff below. I would like to do it from first principles starting with Expectations and ending up with an option pricing formulae similar to the BS option pricing formulae.
The payoff is:
$\min[ [\max(S_T - S_0), 0] - N, 0] $
- $S_T$ is the stock price at maturity
- $S_0$ is the stock price today
- $N$ some fixed notional
So the only stochastic part is $S_T$ and assume constant/deterministic interest rates.
The inner part (the “MAX” part) on its own is just a vanilla Call, but I don’t have the technical skill to evaluate the outer “MIN” under the risk-neutral expectation. I know that Jenson’s inequality tells me that you can’t simply “take the Expectation into the min/max operands”, but that is as far as I got.
Thank you in advance.