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5 votes

Detrending price series for back testing

Depends on what the goal is. If you want to backtest a priced based signal (e.g. RSI, SMA Crossovers, Bollinger Bands or other technical indicators) then it wouldn’t make much sense to detrend the ...
oronimbus's user avatar
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4 votes

Detrending price series for back testing

I am not sure why you want to use detrending as part of a backtest. The only book I know that advocates such an approach is D. Aronson's Evidence based technical analysis, Wiley, 2006. The valid point ...
nbbo2's user avatar
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3 votes

Need Guidance on Analyzing Financial Data Across Multiple CSV Files in R

I would suggest that you familiarize yourself with the concept of dataframe. I haven't used Stata yet, but dataframes are all over R and Python's Pandas package which is the main tool of data ...
blizzard16's user avatar
2 votes

Question regarding the Category 3 PRIIP MRM calculation

Actually, it is not very clear the legislation. However, from some slides that EIOPA used in a conference I tried to build back their computation and what I found is that: 1) you simulate 10k with ...
Thegamer23's user avatar
2 votes

Using Yield Term Structure for Bond Pricing in QuantLib: Is a Zero-Coupon Curve Necessary?

What curve to use has little to do with QuantLib itself and more to do with how you're modelling credit risk for your bond. Bootstrapping over OIS rates, whether using QuantLib or not, gives you a ...
Luigi Ballabio's user avatar
1 vote

Proper way to backtest strategy using bootstrap method

Straight bootstrap of the returns of the strategy would result in inconclusive evidence about the ability of the strategy to generate added value in terms of some "abnormal" returns. ...
Alexander Didenko's user avatar
1 vote

Convert UST Yield Curve to Spot Curve (Zero Coupon) using bootstrapping

I'll keep your simplifying assumptions that these bonds have exact 1y, 2y, etc. terms, annual coupons, and no accrued interest. For the 2y bond, you calculated correctly that the price of the 1st year ...
Chris Edmonton's user avatar
1 vote

Quantlib Piecewise CubicZero Bond Curve Bootstrap

You can find the documentation for the general Cubic Interpolation C++ implementation here: The default values are ...
mmencke's user avatar
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1 vote

Sharpe testing in R

Unless you're doing this as a purely educational exercise, it looks like you may be overcomplicating things. Sharpe ratios follow a student's t distribution. You can thus use standard approaches ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 vote

Basic boostrapping question

Your answer is correct. You included .5 in the exponent and therefore got an annualized result. 6.118% divided by 2 is your bootstrapped 6 month spot rate.
Christian Hampton's user avatar
1 vote

Basic boostrapping question

You think you make a mistake where you actually don´t make one. The exercise is just like it is. Resulting in $$r_{6m}>r_{12m}$$ The difference in your both answers, based on the same rounding, ...
Niko777's user avatar
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