I have N assets with their individual volatilities $\sigma_{i,t}$. I construct a portfolio using the weights $w_{i,t}$ that I obtained in a matter that is irrelevant.
Now I want to determine the portfolio volatility $\sigma_{port, t}$ by combining the individual volatilities, using the weights and correlations.
I know that for two assets you can do:
$\sigma^2_{port} = w^{2}_1 \sigma^{2}_1 + w^{2}_2 \sigma^{2}_2 + w_1 w_1 Cov_{1,2}$$\sigma^2_{port} = w^{2}_1 \sigma^{2}_1 + w^{2}_2 \sigma^{2}_2 + w_1 w_1 \text{Cov}_{1,2}$
But what do you do when you have N assets?
Important: I know that you can calculate the portfolio volatility using the portfolio returns and then simply taking the historical standard deviation. This is not what I am after since the individual volatilites are estimated using their individual model.