Background Information:
This question is from Lectures on Financial Mathematics: Discrete Asset Pricing.
Theorem 3.2 First Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing - Suppose $\nu$ is any measure such that $S/S^{0}$ is a $\nu$-martingale. For an attainable claim $X$ with replicating strategy $\phi$ and $0\leq t\leq T$, we have $$V_t(\phi) = E_{\nu}\left(X\frac{S_t^{0}}{S_T^{0}}|\mathcal{F}_t\right)$$
Prove that:
All martingale measures price the attainable claim equally, and
if there is a martingale measure, then all replicating strategies for a given claim have the same value at all times.
I am sort of confused even where to begin, some guidance or suggestions may help.