Hi I want to simulate in Matlab the following stochastic integral:
$ x(t) = x(s) e^{-a(t-s)} + \sigma \int_s^t e^{-a(t-u)} dW_1(u)$
$E[x(t) \vert F_s] = x(s) e^{-a(t-s)}$
$Var[x(t) \vert F_s] = \frac{\sigma^2}{2a} [1-e^{-2a(t-s)}]$
The dynamics is given by :
$dx(t) = -a x(t) dt + \sigma dW_1(t), x(0) = 0 $
I want to implement this in Matlab without using the dynamics but the stochastic integral and the distribution property. I want to model paths for x(t).