I'm seriously trying to figure out the exact same thing for my dissertation. I can easily solve for reservation (threshold) prices when offered prices are independent, but I haven't yet solved for the case of mean reversion.
There's an example in Bertsekas (1987) page 83 with an autocorrelated asset sale model, but it's too brief for me to follow all the way.
Here are my first steps. The asset must be sold before period $T$. We know the final reservation price is zero: $RP_{T} = 0$. In the next to last period, the agent compares the payoff with selling in period $T-1$ or waiting until period $T$. The value function is
$J(T-1) = \max[P_{T-1},\beta E[P_T|P_{T-1}]$,
where $\beta$ is a discount factor. The threshold price at time $T-1$ is the value that makes the asset holder indifferent to selling in either of the two periods. Substituting the expected value of the OU process,
$P_{T-1}= \beta(\mu+e^{-\eta}\left(P_{T-1}-\mu\right)) $,
Where $\eta$ is the level of mean reversion. Solving for $P_{T-1}$ yields the reservation price:
$RP_{T-1}=\frac{\beta \mu (1-e^{-\eta})}{1-\beta e^{-\eta}}$.
(check the algebra, but I think it's correct). Then, I derived the remainder of the reservation prices using the equation
$J(t) = \max[P_t,\beta E[J(t+1)|P_t]]$
$E[J(t+1)|P_t] = \mbox{Pr}\left(P_{t+1}\geq RP_{t+1}\right)\times\left(E\left[P_{t+1}|P_{t+1}\geq RP_{t+1}\right]\right) + \mbox{Pr}\left(P_{t+1}<RP_{t+1}\right)\times\left(RP_{t+1}\right)$.
For the OU process,
$P_{t+s}|P_{t}\sim N\left(\mu+e^{-\eta s}\left(P_{t}-\mu\right),\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2\eta}\left(1-\exp\left(-2\eta s\right)\right)\right).$
I used R
's etruncnorm
function to calculate the probabilities in the value equation.
I have more details in my dissertation, pages 35-41:
I have derived a full set of reservation prices, but they're too high. If I shift them down in the simulation model, profits increase!