Is there a closed formula to approximate the quantiles of swaprates in the 1-factor Hull White model?
The Hull-White is a Gaussian model for the short rate. Its mean and covariance function can be explicitly given in terms of calibration input, i.e. the initial yield curve and estimates for mean reversion strength and volatility. In this model bond prices $B(t,T)$ are log-normal. But this means that swap rates, defined as $$S_{i,j}(t)=\frac{B(t,T_i) - B(t,T_j)}{\sum_{k=i+1}^j B(t,T_k)} $$ have no "simple" distribution.
- Do the swap rates follow a distribution, whose properties have been analysed and described somewhere?
- Is there a way to estimate quantiles of the swap rate i.e. values s(p) such that the probability $P(S\leq s(p)) = p.$
I guess there will only be approximation possible. Of course, I can always simulate and take empirical quantiles. But a closed formula would be convenient. I am fine with approximation errors in the ballpark of estimates by simulation with sample size a few 100'000.