Could someone please help me translate what this is saying on page P15, section 4.2:
When the order rates are time-varying probabilities must be computed via Monte Carlo. A simple algorithm is as follows. There are six types of orders; buy/sell and market/limit/cancel. For each type of order there are multiple rates depending on the distance to the bid/ask, i.e. if the bid is at the tenth highest tick level then there are ten limit buy orders.
Let $\lambda_i$, $i \in \mathcal{I}$ be the collection of all order rates and $\boldsymbol{x}_t = (x_1, \ldots, x_n)$ be the current state of the order book, as specified in [1]. Then there are a fixed and finite number of possible states $x_t+1$ can take on. The next state of the order book is completely determined by which order arrives first. It is known that if $X_i \sim \exp(\lambda_i)$ then
Therefore to determine the next state of the order book we just sample $u \sim U(0,1)$ then partition the interval $(0, 1)$ according to the above probabilities to determine which order arrived first. After the next state of the order book is computed we recompute the $\lambda_i$'s since they depend on the order book, i.e. $x_t$ is an inhomogeneous Markov chain, and repeat to generate an entire sample path.
Let $A$ be the set of $\omega$ where the midprice increases, to compute its probability we simulate sample paths until there is a change in the midprice and compute $I_A(\omega)$ then estimate the probability as
Ok, I have made some progress:
As the comment below says, X is exponentially distributed. However, I do not get what calculating the "distribution of the minimum exponential random variable" is for?
Also, once we have done this we then (seem to) plot the uniform distribution between 0 and 1 and then plot the probabilities on the x-axis, and, I think, look for the probability with the greatest area?
I really don't understand why this tells us the next state?? What exactly is finding the minimum exponential random variable telling us?
Why do we need to use the uniform distribution?