I received this question during an onsite interview for a quant job and I'm still scratching my head on how to solve this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
Mr Quant thinks that there is a linear relationship between past and future intraday returns. So he would like to test this idea. For convenience, he decided to parameterize return in his data set using a regular time grid dt where $d=0, …, D-1$ labels date and $t=0, …, T-1$ intraday time period. For example, if we split day into 10 minute intervals then $T = 1440 / 10$. His model written on this time grid has the following form:
$y_{d,t}$ $=$ $\beta_t$ * $x_{d,t}$ + $\epsilon_{d,t}$
where $y_{d,t}$ is a return over the time interval $(t,t+1)$ and $x_{d,t}$ is a return over the previous time interval, $(t–1,t)$ at a given day $d$. In other words, he thinks that previous 10-minute return predicts future 10-minute return, but the coefficient between them might change intraday.
Of course, to fit $\beta_t$ he can use $T$ ordinary least square regressions, one for each “$t$”, but:
(a) his data set is fairly small $D$=300, $T$=100;
(b) he thinks that signal is very small, at best it has correlation with the target of 5%.
He hopes that some machine learning method that can combine regressions from nearby intraday times can help.
How would you solve this problem? Data provided is an $x$ matrix of predictors of size $300\times100$ and a $y$ matrix of targets of size $300\times100$.