I used ugarchroll to backtest my garch model on S&P returns
this is my code
rets = ROC(SPY$SPY.Close, na.pad = FALSE)
tgarch = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(1, 1)),
variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH"),
distribution.model = "std")
garchroll <- ugarchroll(tgarch, data=rets, n.start=500,
refit.window="window", refit.every=200)
however I am having trouble evaluating my model backtest . I tried to evaluate my model using MAPE - this was the code I used to get the MAPE OF my backtest
accuracy(preds$Mu, preds$Realized)
however When I tried to get my MAPE got
I also tried to use the report function to evaluate my model
however I do not know how to interpret the results of my model
VaR Backtest Report
Model: sGARCH-std
Backtest Length: 2719
alpha: 1%
Expected Exceed: 27.2
Actual VaR Exceed: 50
Actual %: 1.8%
Unconditional Coverage (Kupiec)
Null-Hypothesis: Correct Exceedances
LR.uc Statistic: 15.491
LR.uc Critical: 3.841
LR.uc p-value: 0
Reject Null: YES
Conditional Coverage (Christoffersen)
Null-Hypothesis: Correct Exceedances and
Independence of Failures
LR.cc Statistic: 16.486
LR.cc Critical: 5.991
LR.cc p-value: 0
Reject Null: YES
please help me interpret the results of my garch model your help will be greatly appreciated
package contains the information you need to interpret the diagnostic tests. $\endgroup$