I am setting up a backtesting using a walkforward optimization model to find out if a trading strategy performs well or not and I would like to clarify some doubts:
First of all what is the correct width of the window (training + testing period) to consider (is there any standard or empirical method to find it out) ?
What should the portion of the window to reserve for training and the one for testing (80%/20% , 50%/50%) ?
Is it correct that the window shift period should be equal to the length of the testing period?
|--------------------------------------------------| <--- available time series data
|----------|-----| <--- time window
^ ^ ^
| | testing data
| training data
window shift period
For each training data set the strategy will be optimized based on certain parameters. Then the optimized strategy will be used on the corresponding testing data set.
This approach could potentially produce different set of optimized parameters values for each time window.
So what is the best indicator or method to find out if a strategy performed well and what is the best way to choose the parameter values among the ones resulting from the various time window optimization ?
Thank you for your help
P.S. : any link/advice about good articles or books on this particular subject it is appreciated!