Suppose that
$Z(t)=e^{-\int_0^t \theta'(s)dW(s)-\frac{1}{2}\int_0^t ||\theta(s)||^2ds}$
with $\theta()=\sigma^{-1}()[b()-r()]$, $\sigma()>0$ and invertable and $W()$ a Wiener process
There is also a process $V^{w,h}$ for describing the wealth of an investor such that
with $0\le t\le T$, $w$ being the initial wealth and $A(w)=\{h()/V^{w,h}()\ge 0\}$ almost surely.
Can you help me show that $\frac{V^{w,h}(t)}{B(t)}Z(t)=w+\int_0^t\frac{Z(t)}{B(s)}[V^{w,h}(s)(\theta(s))'-h'(s)\sigma(s)]dW(s)$ ?
I am new to stochastic calculus and i don't know how to correctly apply Ito's Lemma