Assume we have an FX portfolio with $n$ currency pairs, such that $w_i$ is the weight of currency pair $i \in \{1, \dots, n\}$ in the portfolio, and $\sum_{i=1}^n w_i = 1$. All pairs have USD as one of the legs (USD is the base currency of the portfolio, and I would like to allocate to other currencies using Markowitz). I would like to compute a concentration measure of the portfolio, and believe that the Herfindahl-Hirsch-Index could be an option (see Chammas, Portfolio Concentration link ). However, Chammas assumes that the portfolio only contains long positions. How should I proceed if one of the portfolio weights is negative?
For example, lets assume that the weight of the USDJPY is $-0.5$. Can I simply input that weight in the computation of the HHI?
Is there a more appropriate concentration measure than the HHI for my problem?