If I have daily prices for $N$ stocks, how do I calculate the Sharpe ratio for an equal volatility weight portfolio?
On each day, I have calculated log returns as: $$ r_{t}^{s} = \ln{price_{t}\over{price_{t-1}}} $$
I have then measured the standard deviation of each this series in a 60-day window, and normalised this so each series has approximate deviation of 1.
Question 1:
Is the portfolio daily return equal to the arithmetic mean of the individual stocks $s$, assuming I will allocate on a equal volatility basis before trading:
$$ \text{Portfolio Log Return}_t = \frac{1}{N} \sum_s r_t^s $$
Question 2:
If I take the portfolio return from above, and use these figures to create a Sharpe ratio
$$ \text{Sharpe ratio} = \frac{\sqrt(252)*\text{Arithmetic Average of LogReturns}}{\text{Std Deviation of LogReturns}} $$
- Does this make any sense?
- What's the relationship of a Sharpe ratio calculated in this way to the Sharpe ratios published in journals and fund brochures?
- Can a Sharpe calculated in this way be converted back to 'realized returns'?
I have calculated this value for a period 1993-1997 for the 500 most traded stocks, weighted an equal volatility basis, and got a value of approximately 7, which is definitely not right.