In a situation where $$K_3-K_2=K_2-K_1=h>0$$ and $$K_1\le S_t\le K_3$$ where $$S_T=S_t.e^{[(r-\sigma^2/2)(T-t)+\sigma(W_T-W_t)]}$$ (i.e. Stock process follows GBM under the risk neutral measure).
I know the value of the call under the risk neutral measure is: $$f(S_t)= e^{-r(T-t)}*E((S_T-K_1)^+-2(S_T-K_2)^++(S_T-K_3)^+|\mathcal{F_t})$$ How do we know that the value of the payoff of the butterfly spread using calls is positive for any t<T.