I have been recently researching about portfolio optimization problems and it is unclear to me what is currently the state of art modeling choices when it comes to this topic.
On one hand, I've researched linear factor models and linear programming. These approaches generally revolved around the idea of modeling the mean $\mu=E[R_{p}]$ of the portfolio as a factor model, i.e., explaining it either through some financial factors (Fama-French portfolios), or some statistical procedure PCA or Factor Analysis, etc. The idea seems to revolve around the fact that if we could model individual returns as $E[R_{i}]=\beta X+e_{i}$, and $E[R_{p}]=wE[R_i]$, then $E[R_p]=w\beta X$. This is a bit abuse of notation, but this article describes it better. In this case, the variance is not accounted for, therefore, we do not need to model it (which is a big advantage), since we can just maximize $\mu$. We then try to control the variance by specifying constraints, either by constraining factors, or industries, or stock themselves.
On the other hand, we have the mean-variance optimization problems. I will deviate from Markowitz's term mean-variance and state that any objective that involves the mean and the variance is a mean-variance problem (so, optimizing Sharpe or Kelly is also a mean-variance). This will require us to model both the moments, which is significantly more difficult. However, it seems that the covariance/variances are not as important, so misestimation there might not be such a large issue (correct me if I am wrong). There are, obviously, many modifications to this (e.g., Fabozzi has an entire textbook on robust portfolio optimization). This can come in many formst, from robust estimators (James-Stein for mean, Ledoit-Wolf for covariance) to robust optimization (including confidence intervals for the estimates as a min-max problem). VaR optimization, for me, would also be a mean-variance optimization, since you would inevitably need to model a mean and a variance (e.g., in a case where VaR is a simulation of a GBM, parameters for mu and sigma still need to be fitted).
Stemming from all I've said above, I have the following questions:
(1) Both methods require estimation of $E[R_i]$, which I believe would be better notated as $E[R_{i,t+1}]$, where $t+1$ is the next period when you are going to reoptimize and rebalance your weights. If so, what is best practice when it comes to the choice of horizon? Do we model daily returns and scale them to weekly, monthly? Or do we model monthly returns? If so, do we consider monthly as overlapping or not?
(2) Are we particularly interested in the forecast $E[R_{i,t+1}]$ or are we interested in simply explaining (think of factor models) $E[R_{i,t}]$? It seems that we do the former in M-V optimization and the latter in linear programming?
(3) Is there a consensus of what is a better approach currently in the industry? It seems that linear programming and linear factor models are way simpler way of modeling, so perhaps less model risk? On the other hand, M-V optimization has evolved quite a lot since Markowitz yielding stable weights if done properly?