I'm working on a project to recover a known Risk Neutral Density from option prices, using the Breeden-Litzenberger formula (assuming a continuum of option_price(strike_price), the second derivative of an option's price with respect to the strike price is equal to the risk-neutral probability density function of the underlying asset's price).
I'm testing my formula with a uniform RND, but the recovered "density" ends up being 100 times larger than expected (100*densityR). The issue occurs no matter what density I use (uniform or an approximated-normal).
Here's what I'm doing:
I generate a linearly spaced returns vector and calculate StrikePrices.
I generate a uniform discrete density densityR.
I calculate option prices for puts (option price = discounted expected payoff under (strike prices, densityR) )
I calculate the second derivative of option prices with respect to strike prices to recover the density.
Both MATLAB and Python implementations yield similar discrepancies. Here are some screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/s66kOY8
Why is the recovered "density" 100 times bigger than expected? Where am I making a mistake? I would greatly appreciate any assistance.
MATLAB version:
numElements = 10000;
% Create returns as a linearly spaced vector from 0 to 2
returns = linspace(0, 2, numElements)';
StrikePrices = currentPrice * returns;
% Create densityR as a uniform distribution
densityR = ones(numElements, 1) * (1 / numElements);
% Calculate the payoff for each option price
optionPrices = zeros(numElements, 1); % Initialize optionPrices array
% Adjusted loop to calculate option prices
for i = 1:numElements
allPayoffsForCurrentStrike = max(0, StrikePrices(i) - StrikePrices);
optionPrices(i) = sum(allPayoffsForCurrentStrike .* densityR) * exp(-r * tau);
% Calculate the first derivative of optionPrices with respect to StrikePrices
dy_dx = gradient(optionPrices, StrikePrices);
% Calculate the second derivative of optionPrices with respect to StrikePrices
d2y_dx2 = gradient(dy_dx, StrikePrices);
hold on;
plot(dy_dx, 'o-', 'DisplayName', 'First Derivative');
plot(second_derivative, 'o-', 'DisplayName', 'Second Derivative');
plot(optionPrices, 'o-', 'DisplayName', 'Option Prices');
plot(StrikePrices, 'o-', 'DisplayName', 'Strike Prices');
plot(densityR, 'o-', 'DisplayName', 'Density R');
hold off;
title('Second Derivative of Option Prices and Density R');
legend show;
grid on;
set(gca, 'YScale', 'log');
Python version:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Given parameters
r = 0.02
tau = 0.25
numElements = 10000
currentPrice = 49.75
# Create returns as a linearly spaced vector from 0 to 2
returns = np.linspace(0, 2, numElements)
# Calculate StrikePrices
StrikePrices = currentPrice * returns
# Create densityR as a uniform distribution
densityR = np.ones(numElements) * (1 / numElements)
# Calculate the option prices
optionPrices = np.zeros(numElements)
for i in range(numElements):
allPayoffsForCurrentStrike = np.maximum(0, StrikePrices[i] - StrikePrices)
optionPrices[i] = np.sum(allPayoffsForCurrentStrike * densityR) * np.exp(-r * tau)
# Calculate the first derivative of optionPrices with respect to StrikePrices
dy_dx = np.gradient(optionPrices, StrikePrices)
# Calculate the second derivative of optionPrices with respect to StrikePrices
d2y_dx2 = np.gradient(dy_dx, StrikePrices);
# Sum of the second derivative
sum_of_derivative = np.sum(d2y_dx2)
# Plotting
plt.plot(dy_dx, 'o-', label='First Derivative')
plt.plot(d2y_dx2, 'o-', label='Second Derivative')
plt.plot(optionPrices, 'o-', label='Option Prices')
plt.plot(StrikePrices, 'o-', label='Strike Prices')
plt.plot(densityR, 'o-', label='Density R')
plt.title('Second Derivative of Option Prices and Density R')
print(f'Sum of the second derivative: {sum_of_derivative}')