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Questions tagged [bootstrap]

Resampling technique for estimating standard errors and computing confidence intervals of sample based quantities.

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Question regarding the Category 3 PRIIP MRM calculation

My question is regarding the European Commission regulation on standardizing the information in the key information documents for PRIIPs. In the Annex IV of the regulation, one can find the ...
Boris's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do i test the significance of Sharpe ratio of a strategy using bootstrap

How do i test the significance of Sharpe ratio of a strategy whether it is any different from another strategy ?? How do i get a p-value out of it ? What should be the H0 in the hypothesis testing ? ...
JSS's user avatar
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2 votes
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Using Yield Term Structure for Bond Pricing in QuantLib: Is a Zero-Coupon Curve Necessary?

I've been using QuantLib for constructing a yield curve and pricing a bond. I am wondering if I'm using the correct method to create my yield term structure (yts) ...
TourEiffel's user avatar