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Select top $n$ most correlated assets in universe

I know this questions is a bit ambiguous, but I guess that's natural. To put it simply: I have a universe of around 600 stocks. How do I find the top $n$ "most correlated" assets? At the ...
Trettman's user avatar
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Bug found in Optimal Number of Clusters algorithm - from de Prado and Lewis (2018)

I believe I have found a bug in Optimal Number of Clusters (ONC) from the paper "Detection of False Investment Strategies Using Unsupervised Learning Methods". ...
Endre Moen's user avatar
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z-score versus log standardisation of stock prices for calculating correlation; which to use (in ML clustering, distance measure)?

I need to compare (get correlation between) different financial instruments (stocks). The problem is that different stocks will have different price scales. I was thinking of using z-score ...
A.L. Verminburger's user avatar