I would like to posit a more straightforward answer, it is a mathematical illusion.
Although this can be solved through formal theory because the distributions are known, doing so would create a long post. Instead, it can be quickly illustrated through a simulation.
Let us assume that the data are normally distributed. The results depend on that. If they are drawn from a different distribution, then the standard deviation's correction factor will change. The assumption that I am using is that the observations are independent because your formula implies it. This correction would not work for autocorrelated data. Nonetheless, the illustration would work out the same in the end, and independence means less work for me.
The unbiased estimate of the mean is $$\bar{x}=\frac{\sum_1^Nx_i}{N}.$$
The unbiased estimate of the variance is $$s^2=\frac{\sum_1^N(x_i-\bar{x})^2}{N-1}$$
The unbiased estimate of the standard deviation is $$s=\frac{\sqrt{ \frac{\sum_1^N(x_i-\bar{x})^2}{N-1}}}{\sqrt{\frac{2}{N-1}}\frac{\Gamma(\frac{N}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac{N-1}{2})}}$$
The correction factor is needed because the sampling distribution of the unbiased estimate of the variance is Snedecor's F distribution. In contrast, the sampling distribution of the unbiased estimate of the standard deviation is the Chi distribution. The square root of the unbiased estimator of the sample variance is a biased estimator of the standard deviation.
What I did was create 100,000 samples, each with 1,000 observations, from a standard normal distribution. The code is at the bottom of the answer.
I then calculated the unbiased estimates of the mean, variance, and standard deviation. The distribution of each one is the sampling distribution of the mean, variance, and the standard deviation. So there is now a sample of each with 100,000 observed parameter estimates for each category.
Suppose you look graphically at the sampling distribution of the mean and the variance. In that case, you will see that the distribution of the estimator for the population mean is denser than for the population variance. Of course, you could be more precise by creating descriptive statistics for each estimator.
The sampling distribution of the mean is Student's distribution, but the sample is so large that it will have converged to the normal for any practical purpose. The sampling distribution of the variance is Snedecor's F distribution, so though they look quite a bit alike, they really are different things.
Nonetheless, it would appear that the estimator of the mean is more precise than the estimator of the variance. That should be unsurprising because the estimator of the mean is buried inside the estimator of the variance. There are two sources of error.
In this example, the mean's observed squared error is approximately 100 units and of the variance 200 units. So what happens when we compare the squared error of the variance and the standard deviation? The squared error of the standard deviation is approximately 50. Visually, you can see that in the graph below.
However, this is an illusion, and what should make you suspicious is the missing change of units intrinsic to this way of looking at the problem. You could make all kinds of transformations with the data or the statistics aside from the square root divided by a correction factor. Each one would stretch or shrink the estimation relative to the variance or the mean. It would not imply that they would improve the precision of the estimate.
Note that the above does not imply that there does not exist a transformation or different function that would improve precision or cause an estimator to behave better under some circumstances. Here, though, it is an illusion.
In response to a comment, I thought I would point out why this question is problematic. Consider a vector $$\theta=\begin{bmatrix}a \\ b\\ c\end{bmatrix}$$ and a second vector $$\theta'=\begin{bmatrix}d\\ e\\ f\end{bmatrix}$$ that may be estimators for some true parameter $\Theta$.
Let us also assume that $\theta\succ\theta'$ under some standard of optimality. Here that standard is that it minimizes the variance of the estimate and it is unbiased. That is far from the only standards that could be used.
It isn't meaningful to talk about the precision of estimation of $a$ versus $b$ in the vector $\theta$, even if one is a transform of the other under the algorithm. I would point out that $s^2$ is a transformation of $\bar{x}$. Each one is estimated in the best way possible under the criteria.
It may be meaningful to discuss the precision and accuracy differences between $a$ and $d$ but not between $a$ and $b$.
The only exception to that case is if a different objective function is chosen. To give an example, if an all-or-nothing loss function were used instead of quadratic loss, the estimator of both the variance and the standard deviation would be improved in precision, though with a loss of accuracy.
If the average loss were used instead of minimizing maximum risk, which is how most Frequentist estimators are chosen, you would get possibly quite different outcomes as well. Indeed, they could not be first-order stochastically dominated by the Frequentist estimators, though they could tie.
If you are finding one easier than another, there is some assumption being strongly violated somewhere. Something else is going on that is being missed and it could be very important.
I, of course, have strong opinions on what that is, but that is not the question presented.
rm(list = ls())
x<-matrix(rnorm(observations*experiments),nrow = observations)
correction_factor<-exp(log(sqrt(2/(observations-1)))+lgamma(observations/2)- lgamma((observations-1)/2))
b<-a+geom_density(aes(sample_mean,colour="Sample Mean"))+geom_density(aes(sample_variance,colour="Sample Variance"))
b<-a+geom_density(aes(sample_variance,colour="Sample Variance"))+geom_density(aes(sample_standard_deviation,colour="Sample Standard Deviation"))
print(paste0("Observed Squared Error of the Mean is ",sum(Frequentist_errors$mean_error)))
print(paste0("Observed Squared Errors of the Variance is ",sum(Frequentist_errors$variance_error)))
print(paste0("Observed Squared Error of the Standard Deviation is ",sum(Frequentist_errors$sd_error)))