Consider the minimization problem
$$\min\left\{\frac{1}{2}x^T\Sigma x - \lambda(\mu-r_f)^Tx\right\}$$
and assume the CAPM model, i.e.
$$r_i-r_f = \beta_i(r_m-r_f) + \varepsilon_i$$
Assuming $\Sigma$ is invertible, prove
$$x_i \propto \frac{\beta_i}{\textrm{Var}(\varepsilon_i)}$$
It seems like lambda must stay in the minimization problem after solving for $x$, which is probably why we're only solving for proportionality, but I still cannot find a way to go about tackling this. Solving the Lagrangian yields
and we know
but this doesn't seem to help me. Where does the quadratic term yielding variance in the solution come from?