The probability that an arithmetic Brownian motion process $dt = \mu dt + \sigma dW$ hits an upper Barrier $U$ before it hits a lower barrier $L$ is given by
$$ \mathbb{P}(\tau_U\leq \tau_L) = \frac{\text{Y}(x_0)-\text{Y}(L)}{\text{Y}(U)-\text{Y}(L)} $$ where $$ \text{Y}(x) = exp(\frac{-2\mu x}{\sigma^2}) $$
But what is $\mathbb{P}(\tau_U\leq T \,\cap\, \tau_U\leq\tau_L)$ if both $x_0$ and $x_T$ are known?
i.e. the probability the process hits $U$ before $L$ whilst in between the end points of a Brownian bridge.