I was able to prove that, for positive Cash Flows $f_i$ and any value of $f_0$, the $NPV$ function is decreasing in $r$, hence, for $r_m<r_p=IRR$, then $NPV(r_m)>NPV(r_p)=0$.
$$ NPV(r,f_i)=\sum_{i=0}^n{1\over(1+r)^i}f_i $$
But I cannot prove or disprove with a proof or a simple counterexample that for any positive or negative Cash Flows $f_i$, $r_m<r_p$ implies or not implies $NPV(r_m)>NPV(r_p)$.
In most cases, I have $f_0<0$ (for funding the project) and $f_n>0$ (for the final return), and the rest of cash flows reasonably less than the funding amount $|f_i|<f_0$. Perhaps I am missing some financial condition for a balanced Statement which allows this to be true always?