Let's take the usual definition of a spectral risk measure.
If we look at the integral we see that spectral risk measures have the property that the risk measure of a random variable $X$ can be represented by a combination of the quantiles of $X$.
Since the quantile function is rather friendly one gets that every spectral risk measure is also a coherent risk measure.
Examples are the expected value and the expected shortfall (CVaR). In those cases, the spectral representation yields a very convenient way to approximate the measure by simply weighing the quantiles of our dataset. That yields the following questions:
Are there any other known measures that have a spectral representation? If we relax the assumptions on the spectrum $\phi$, can we obtain (approximative sequences of) other (possibly non-coherent) risk measures?
EDIT: In reaction to the comment by @Joshua Ulrich I want to provide an example of what I want to achieve and some more details.
- Example: The Conditional Value at Risk. We have the following formula: $\text{CVaR}_\alpha(X) = -\frac{1}{\alpha}\int_0^{\alpha}F^{-1}_X(p)dp$. From sample $X_i$, $i=1,\ldots,N$, we can calculate the CVaR by taking the order statistics that are in the $\alpha$-tail of the sample, average, and divide by $\alpha$. We can see that this is measure has a spectral representation with $\phi(p) = \frac{1}{\alpha}$ for $p \in [0,\alpha]$ and $\phi(p) = 0$ for $p \in (\alpha, 1]$. So its easy to check: The CVaR is a spectral measure.
Obviously, the "order statistics + weighted average" procedure does not only work for the CVaR, it works for all spectral measures: From the definition of spectral measure we see that, after discretizing the integral, we have an approximation of the measure that is a linear combination of quantiles which is very easy to compute.
In fact its so easy that I would like to compute as many risk measures as possible this way (very easy if you do monte carlo or scenarios for example). For the computation only, I dont need all the assumptions about $\phi$ so lets forget about them for a moment and see what else we can calculate this way.